GMB - Global Maju Bersama was established in 2006 and as subsidiary of KDW Consulting that was established in 2003. One of KDW services is human resources consulting. Due to our existing client's demand and the changes in business environment, KDW established a new company focusing on human resources management services (focus on outsourcing) which is managed by a professional team in many kinds of expertise, such as: Human Resources, Sales and Marketing, Corporate Law, Finance and Accounting, Auditing, Taxation which deal with information system technology.
Based on that we are able to provide our clients with the best possible services to overcome the critical problems of personnel management which need recruitment and placement using the most appropriate method.
Customer Care(Riau)
1. Memberikan Pelayanan Informasi yang dibutuhkan Konsumen
2. Melayani keluhan/ saran dari Konsumen
3. Melayani pembayaran konsumen melalui telepon
4. Memberikan Informasi yang tepat, dan Akurat kepada Konsumen
Pria / wanita
Usia Maks 28 tahun
Memiliki Sepeda Motor dan SIM C
Sehat Jasmani
Loyalitas / bekerja keras
Pendidikan minimal tamatan D3 dan S1
Berpenampilan Menarik
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Judul : Lowongan Kerja PT Global Maju Bersama
Deskripsi : GMB - Global Maju Bersama was established in 2006 and as subsidiary of KDW Consulting that was established in 2003. One of KDW services is ...